Auto Injury

Did you know that at least six million car accidents occur each year in the United States alone? More than a hundred thousand of these car accidents occur in the state of Washington. If you haven’t been in a car accident yet, there’s a good chance that you’ll suffer one at some point. Unfortunately, car accidents can result in lasting injuries and chronic pain. Fortunately, a chiropractor can help. If you're looking for an auto injury doctor in Kennewick, WA, get in touch with Dr. Steven Zwiener.

Ultimately, when it comes to lasting pain relief, a chiropractor can be thought of as an auto injury doctor. Let’s take a look at some ways a car accident can cause lasting injuries and chronic pain. After that, we’ll look at how a chiropractor can help.

The Aches and Pains Caused by a Car Accident

When someone gets in a car accident, they can go from a very fast speed to a sudden and hard stop within moments. When your head and neck lash forward, it can result in whiplash, straining muscles and potentially knocking the spine out of its correct alignment. Joints, bones, and muscles throughout the body could also be strained.

In some cases, the injuries will heal on their own. However, many people suffer from chronic pain after an accident. If the spine was knocked out of its proper alignment, you’ll likely need hands-on treatment to straighten it out, otherwise, the pain could return.

If you would like to see an auto injury doctor in Kennewick, WA, contact Dr. Zwiener.

Here’s How an Auto Injury Doctor Can Help

An auto accident doctor, or chiropractor, can use a variety of treatment methods to resolve the underlying issues caused by a car accident. This could result in not just pain relief today, but lasting pain relief going forward. Below, we’ve outlined some of the most common methods for addressing auto accident injuries.

Chiropractic Adjustments and Hands-On Therapy

Chiropractors can use gentle spinal manipulation to carefully realign the spine. This may reduce tension and strain not just on the spinal cord, but also on the many other tissues that are affected by the alignment of the spine. An auto accident doctor can also gently massage soft tissues, relieving tension and thus providing pain relief.

Other Chiropractic Treatments

Cold laser therapy may stimulate the body’s natural healing processes, helping folks recover from car accidents. Appropriately applied percussion therapy and acupressure may also reduce tension and inflammation. Nutritional adjustments and supplements might stimulate the body’s natural healing processes as well.

Want to see an auto injury doctor in Kennewick, WA? Contact Dr. Zwiener at (509) 735-7474.

chiropractic spine


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